
    Manufactured crises are the worst. To make things even more crazy the communicators M’anta, Carter and Firaxil wore were jammed and so they couldn’t set the record straight before Crystal and co barged into the office. Then again it’s a good thing they did because something tells me that if Crystal was not angry no one would have learned the name of the buyer. At least they now know and the team will be hunting for Sebastian once they return to Earth. Could that be the real name of The Director? It’s possible. Then again why would he sully his hands with intergalactic shopping? Perish the thought!

    We also learn a little bit about Carter this week. She likes to be near big windows and open spaces. Well, you can’t get any bigger than the vast expanse of stars and galaxies outside the big windows of a starship! The reason why she likes open spaces now is due to being held captive by Clive for two years. That definitely wrecked her brain a little bit.

    Of course the biggest news this week is that Marcus is getting ready to pop the question on Crystal! He has enlisted Carter’s help in finding a ring. Hilarity is bound to ensue! Where will he get the ring? Would she take him to some shop in the mall? Hmm…Probably not. It’s a special ring for a very special lady. I think they’d have to look far and wide to get it. Crystal definitely won’t see it coming even though she knows he’s got marriage on his mind!

 See ya next time!

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About Cferra

I am the author of the Starbolts webcomic and host of Comic Showcase.

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