
A new year, a new logo, and an awesome interview to kick things off!

Hey gang, hope your new year was fun and eventful (mine really wasn’t, but the Ginger Ale was good). This week I got to conduct an interview that I’ve waited gleefully to do. I first got to know of Freckle Sue through Cosplay Deviants, specifically of her set dressed as Yoko from Gurren Lagann


I soon found out more about her through her Facebook and other social media and not only became a fan of her work as a nude model/cosplayer, but also her personality as well. She is funny, entertaining, and a wonderful independent spirit. Thankfully after some trying, and with a BIG help of her personal assistant, I was able to get in contact with her for this week’s article to find out more about her and what goes into nude modeling.




Hello! Please introduce yourself

They call me Freckle Sue. I’m a nude cosplayer who raises money for various charities and fund raisers.


How did you come by the online handle of Freckle Sue?

Once upon a time, I drunkenly flashed a voice actor. He didn’t remember my name the next day, but he did remember where my freckle was. As far as Sue goes, I was told to get a Facebook, and the Terms of Service dictated that I have a “last name”. I put Sue because I threatened to sue someone that day for taking my photos.


When did you decide that you wanted to do nude modeling?

When someone told me I couldn’t. I don’t let people tell me what not to do.


How did you get to work for Cosplay Deviants?

My ex wanted me to give a Cosplay Deviants business card to a friend of mine. I asked him why I couldn’t do it, and he said he couldn’t imagine me doing nude modeling. Well, I showed him!


What is it like working for CD?

My experience with them has been a really positive thing. I’ve met some of my closest friends through the company. One of the fondest memories I have is when I first started. I had no idea what industry standards were set to, and they gave seemingly endless guidance and support. It’s like a family, really; they are (and were) fiercely protective of us, making sure that we are always comfortable and taken care of in terms of shoots and conventions.


Is modeling your primary job?

Negative, ghost writer.


Is there any conflict between you modeling job and your other work?

Photoshoots just take a lot of time, and since I only model as a hobby, it’s difficult to produce as many sets as other models.


What kind of shows/characters do you like to base your photo shoots on?

Strong independent women who don’t need no man… except Daphne.



You’ve done shoots with other models, how is that different from shooting by yourself?

Scheduling gets more complicated, and different models have different tastes in shoots. Some models are more forward than I am about their nudity.


What are your limits of things you won’t do in shoots?

I do not allow my vagina to be shown in any of my photographs. If you go through all of my photos, you’ll see that it’s never there. Like, there’ll be shadows, but it’s never full on.


Any beauty tips/secrets in preparing for a nude shoot?

Don’t skimp money on getting wig caps. Have some really good foundation because cameras show off every little imperfection. You’re going to need some fantastic deodorant and a fan. Photoshoots get super hot.


How would you describe your fans?

My fans are some of the sweetest people on the planet. They’ve helped me raise over $2k for different charities over the past couple years. That being said, they like me, and that’s kinda weird. I’m kinda weird.


What’s the biggest misconception about what you do?

It is not porn! IT IS NOT PORN! It is tasteful nudity. There is no sexual act happening. Ever.


What are your hobbies outside of your modeling life?

My cats. My shows. My celebrity boyfriends. Y’know, that twenty-something dream.


What kind of shows do you like to watch and do they influence your work?

You should watch Supernatural and Teen Wolf. Everyone should watch Supernatural and Teen Wolf. Everyone NEEDS to watch Supernatural and Teen Wolf.


… I’m sorry, did you ask me a question?


My sets and costumes typically come from shows and movies that are popular in the cosplay community. Or at least, I’m pretty sure they’re from popular shows. Tumblr only gets me so far in life.


Tell us about your babies (pet cats), Sug and Stiles, and what are they like?

MY BABIES ARE BASICALLY PERFECT IN EVERY WAY. Except for Sug. She’s a bitch. Stiles is the fluffiest mamma’s boy ever. He’s the cat version of the 30 year old, WoW playing, basement troll, and I love him.


You have mentioned your love of Pepsi, how much Pepsi do you actually drink?

Are you my supplier now? DON’T CUT ME OFF. FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING FLUFFY, DON’T CUT ME OFF. I’ll shank you. 


Usually two cans a day. Four cans on bad days. The days that end in -y.


What are your future plans?

One day, I’m going to marry a man and bear his children, so my sister can have a conniption fit when my kids find my nudies. #BestDayEver


Any advice for aspiring models out there?

This is a really fun process for me. I love putting together costumes and becoming these other characters. My best advice to other people in the craft is to enjoy it at your pace. It’s not always about what the final product looks like. In my opinion, it’s more important to feel comfortable and secure in yourself and your creation. Own it.

Personal experience time:  Since becoming a nude cosplay model, I’ve had my fair share of negative feedback. It wasn’t all constructive criticism; it was hateful jabs against my character as a human being.  I’ve been called a bunch of hurtful names over the years, but I’ve learned not to give them any mind. It’s easier to laugh and make jokes about it than it is to sit and cry about what someone else thinks. Their opinion doesn’t matter to me. What matters to me is the pleasure I get from shooting a set and being able to help people from the donations. That’s why my motto became, “The nicest whore you’ll ever meet.” 


What are the things you want people to know most about you?

I am awesome, and they are real (Soul note: Do not ask who “they” are. Look at her pictures and figure it out). I am (Assistant’s note: super fucking) blunt and to (AN: the god damned) point. Every serious conversation will end in some kind of joke or humorous story. It happens. I still love you (maybe).


Any parting words?

Dictated. But not written. “Read it back to me.”


You can see more of Freckle Sue’s work on her Facebook Fan Page

As well as her sets on Cosplay Deviants (NSFW!)

Photos are property of Cosplay Deviants and were shot by Gregory Mohn of Good Egg Productions (NSFW)



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